再買了一個Hario手搖磨豆機,因為它有兩點做得非常好 就是磨盤是"陶瓷"做,好像是第一次看到呢! 即使長時間搖磨也不會熱,因為咖啡豆、粉可是對熱非常敏感! 另外就是它竟能用在沖espresso 它能研磨非常幼及足夠均衡的咖啡粉.....不過要磨好耐!! 如果粗幼不對,再磨一次可是非常累人!! 現在連上班都可以有高質磨豆器用了!
Hi! I bought this grinder last month. Can you teach me how to clean it after using?How often should I clean it? Thanks a lot for your help![版主回覆05/29/2012 12:52:22]經常用的話,不用清潔的。當然豆要新鮮唔好起油先可以
Hi! I bought this grinder last month. Can you teach me how to clean it after using?
回覆刪除How often should I clean it? Thanks a lot for your help!
[版主回覆05/29/2012 12:52:22]經常用的話,不用清潔的。當然豆要新鮮唔好起油先可以